GitHub and database Migration

migrate create -ext sql -dir db leave_attendance

migrate -path=db -database postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/employeems?sslmode=disable up 1

Fix the problem

migrate -path=db -database postgres://postgres:abcd1234@localhost:5432/employeems?sslmode=disable up 1
error: Dirty database version -1. Fix and force version.

migrate -path=db -database postgres://postgres:abcd1234@localhost:5432/employeems?sslmode=disable force *number*

warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF.

Depending on the editor you are using, a text file with LF wouldn’t necessarily be saved with CRLF: recent editors can preserve eol style. But that git config setting insists on changing those…

Simply make sure that (as I recommend here):

git config --global core.autocrlf false